My Story
How a simple dietary enzyme changed everything
2018 was the year my life changed forever. After battling fructose malabsorption for the best part of 20 years, half of that undiagnosed, I finally found the key to food freedom and being able to enjoy the small things in life again.
It all started back in the early 2000s when I became increasingly sick with bouts of severe abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea which resulted in countless admissions to hospital and costly specialist appointments.
It was a simple hydrogen test in 2009 that finally revealed fructose malabsorption as the cause of my symptoms and it was recommended, I follow the FODMAP diet. This helped me to identify my trigger foods which were numerous and sadly my limited choice of foods dwindled further over the years. Fructan and sorbitol also began to trigger my symptoms. I knew something had to change, I was being robbed of being able to do simple things like eating out with family & friends, buying the occasional takeaway and just having good health.
Finally in 2018, years of research paid off when I discovered what I was looking for, an enzyme called Xylose Isomerase. It had been researched and clinically trialed in Austria with promising results and was being sold in Europe and the US.
Taking it with each meal became a game changer for me and allowed me to gradually reintroduce foods that I once feared and avoided.
The problem then became the high price tag coupled with the long delivery time due to there being no local supplier. I saw an opportunity, not just for myself but for the FrucMal community as a whole. I want to see those that suffer from this debilitating condition, regain their health and get their life back, just like I did. The answer is FrucMalEase, it’s now affordable, accessible and made right here in Australia.
I recommend you try it and see the results for yourself. Come join me on my journey and experience food freedom again.